Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs)

  • maid, helper


Domestic helpers are a part of our family. They reside with us and live up to our demands as much as they could. It is important to find one that fits our criteria and be trustworthy as well as dependable. Looking for the right helper is not as easy as some thinks, the same goes for finding the right maid agency that you can entrust to do the search for you.
At Credence Employment, we take pride and responsibility in helping you to find the best match. Our consultants always ensure to understand your needs and shortlist the closest possible for your selection. You can be assured of a smooth process from the beginning of the search till we hand over the helper to you. 

Going The Extra Mile

As a professional maid agency, we will also follow up with you and your new helper after the placement. It would be our greatest satisfaction to know that both parties are happy with the arrangement. Should any conflict arises, we will also provide mediation and counseling upon request. Not only do we provide top-notch service to our clients, we also provide good support for the helpers. 
As we mentioned above, it is important to understand the employers’ needs. If you are looking for a helper, you may fill up the form below for us to understand the criteria and your requirements.and we will revert soonest. Alternatively, you may also give us a text at Whatsapp stating your queries. We also provide confinement nanny services should you need short-term post-partum help. 

FDW Enquiry Form

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